National Institute for Career Education and Counselling (NICEC)
The CDI is proud to support NICEC, a learned society for practitioners working in career education, career guidance and counselling, and career development. Its members include professionals working in careers research, policy, consultancy, scholarship, service delivery and management, in a range of environments such as within the education system, with employers or working in the community.
NICEC encourages discussion and new ideas through running events, networking meeting, publishing resources and undertaking projects.
As a learned society, NICEC does not act as a professional association or research institute. It is a UK-based organisation with many international connections. It works with, but is independent of, other organisations and is managed by its Fellows.

The CDI has a long-standing relationship with NICEC and is proud to support and work with the organisation. As well as co-delivering the National Research Conference for Practitioners (with iCeGS and AGCAS), we jointly offer the Cutting Edge annual seminar free to CDI and NICEC members.
Visit the CPD Events page to learn more.